At BehavioralHealth2000.com, our team in Napa, California, works to deliver the top neuroscience and psychiatry resources. Our website provides links to a series of neuroscience training studies and key research papers across a number of topics, including psychiatry resource information. Take a look at the many resources we have available, including papers, lectures, and more.
Using our Resources
Whether you are a professional in the field or just interested in neuroscience training, our neuroscience and psychiatry resources are available to every individual throughout the country. We offer readers a number of research links to some of the top studies available. These links include papers covering psychiatry, genetics and molecular biology, and neurophilosophy with particular emphasis on the so-called mind/body problem.
Our psychiatry resource information also includes access to a new e-book under development entitled “The New Psychiatry.” This book shows that the time has arrived for a re-formulation of psychiatry without mind/body dualism.
The mission of Behavioral Health 2000 is, broadly stated, to disseminate current, “fresh” information, often “hot of the press”, on the brain, neuroscience, psychiatry and the understanding on the human mind.
We have several aims:
- To increase “neuroscience literacy” in psychiatrists, mental health professionals, physicians and the (educated) larger lay public. Studies have shown that psychiatrists and mental health professionals are quite ignorant about the brain. This is like a cardiologist being ignorant about the heart.
The method we use is this: we pick a new exciting research paper, and present it in detail by providing the “backstory” of the science, explain what the data mean, and the significance of the findings for the state of knowledge in the particular area that the paper addresses. We believe that you cannot become “science literate” by reading a text book (if you want to learn how to cook, you have to go to the market, buy the groceries, prepare the ingredients, start cooking, checking the taste as you cook…. you get the idea).
- To provide professionals with resources for teaching. There are the video lectures, of course, and the slides used in the lectures are made available as PPT files. The slides are annotated with “clickable” references that will “pop up” the PDF files of the original research papers that are discussed in the lectures.
In combination, these items are a powerful and comprehensive resource for teaching medical students, doctors in training and postgraduate MD’s.
This resource is thoroughly researched and is of the highest scientific integrity.
- To provide the educated public with a portal to learn about emerging neuroscience. Neuroscience is becoming ever more important in society with applications in the legal system, in the arena of self-help and self-understanding. Much information on the internet about neuroscience is very poor, biased, unscientific and often plain bullshit. We also provide very topical blogs on issues such as pollution, the increase in dementia, diabetes and other urgent health issues that affect million of people.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNYJM5z2PUY]